Watching The Blueberry Crop

Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus)

Eastern Towhees are here in the mountains of central Virginia year round. Their diet is primarily insects, seeds and berries and during the summer they tend, of course, to eat more insects. True bugs, beetles, ants, caterpillars, moths, millipedes, spiders and snails are all on the menu. But there’s something special to me, which I share with them. Those blueberries. This fellow is watching over them. Watching how they are growing. Watching and waiting for them to ripen. Just like I am. I wholeheartedly enjoy sharing the blueberries with the birds. For me, the berries mean pies, pancakes, muffins. For them it means breakfast, lunch and dinner. Glad to share.

4 responses to “Watching The Blueberry Crop”

  1. Our blueberry plants are pathetic this year. And to top it off a cardinal hit the bedroom window at daybreak this morning. Here we go again, ha!

    • Oh dear! GARY!

      So sorry to hear about the CrazyCardinal. Perhaps I encouraged it, just asking about it the other evening. I should have knocked on wood (or my head) as I asked. That is a total bummer.

      As for the blueberry bushes, it is going to just take time. Many of my bushes are between 20 and 30 years old. Time will improve them! Be patient!

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts!

  2. Cute shot of Eastern Towhees. Out here in #centralcoast #california there are Western towhees. I love to listen to their song in spring. Not really blueberry country here, too dry.

    • Oh Kathy! You get to see Western Towhees! Maybe one of these days I’ll get to California again and do some birding. Such a beautiful country, so much to see!

      I enjoy seeing your posts. Thanks for reading mine!