Silver-spotted Skipper

Silver-spotted Skippers (Epargyreus clarus) are thoroughly enjoying collecting the nectar and pollen from blueberry blooms. In the upper left corner of this photo you can see little blueberries just beginning their growth.

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2 responses to “Silver-spotted Skipper”

  1. There seems to be a dearth of butterflies in the suburbs of Culpeper. So far this season the Eastern Tailed Blues and Pearl Crescents rule the fields, the ubiquitous cabbage whites and sulfurs (clouded or otherwise) flit by occasionally and rarer yet the Eastern Swallowtail makes a cameo appearance. The abundant Skippers have skipped so far this Spring and I have searched. I’m commenting cause you’ve espied a Silver Spotted Skipper whilst I can see nary one of these generally super abundant Lepi’s. No Frits either. just sayin.

    • Hi Ken!

      I’m hoping by now your butterfly population has soared and you are thoroughly enjoying many of them! I’ve been down and back to Florida to visit my Mom and get together with my sisters. I can’t say much about the butterfly population down there, since I was so busy but oh, my, goodness was the weather ever NOT Florida-like. It was delightful!

      Happy butterflies!
      Thanks for reading my posts Ken!