Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warblers, Setophaga coronata, have to come to visit for the winter. They’re also affectionately referred to as Butter Butts.

When insects are available, that’s their meal of choice but here, in the cold months, they will settle for goldenrod seeds, and the berries of juniper, poison ivy, poison oak, greenbrier, grapes, Virginia creeper and dogwood.

Some people are able to entice them to feeders with sunflower seeds, raisins, peanut butter, and suet but I’m not one of the lucky ones. That’s okay! They seem to like it here anyway. AND they do seem to enjoy the bird bath that I keep ice free during the winter.

6 responses to “Yellow-rumped Warbler”

  1. Cute little puffball. I’ve not seen one yet, but I do have a pair of mated Pileated woodpeckers that have been coming by each afternoon lately as I work outside. They seem to like my magnolia tree best and create quite a racket.


  2. sorry about the duplicate – I’m learning how to maneuver within Windows 10. I just thought the first didn’t go. Glad you have a delete key.

  3. Hi Nancy!

    Glad you like the pictures. I’m always delighted when birds (or any other critter!) pose for me. These little guys, like Chickadees, make me think of ping-pong ball birds.

    What fun for you to have a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers hanging around. Do you know where their nest is. Your pair certainly are very handsome birds. I love to see them wind their way through the forest!

    Wondering if you’re still doing water color paintings?

  4. I guess I am one of the lucky ones having them come to my sunflower feeder! I haven’t seen one yet but I am enjoying, incredibly, a couple of female painted buntings! Keeping my eyes open for a male. Now that’s lucky! Having an ice free bird bath used to be one of the highlights of my winter Brenda. I left it in my old shed for the new owners who will actually reside in my old house winters.

    • Wow Kathy! YOU get the prize for being LUCKY! I’ll have to take my bird watching with me when I travel. Painted Buntings don’t come around here. Maybe at my Mom’s. Oh that would be so good. She (and I!) would be so thrilled.

      Yes, ice free bird baths can be quite the gathering spot for birds and other critters when it’s mighty COLD out there.

      Are you planning to be at CK year ’round?
