Two Or Three More Months

I appreciate your patience. I had knee surgery last Friday the 19th and I’m looking forward to being back in a good state of mind, and able to hike to the highest parts of my mountains in short order.

Green Frogs (Rana clamitans) are solitary frogs, except when it is mating time around breeding ponds. This photo is from April 2010. Large to small, male Green Frogs waiting for females to come by. These frogs are usually between 3 and 5 inches in length at 4 to 5 years of age.

In 3 to 7 days eggs are hatched into tadpoles. It will take from 3 to 22 months to change into full grown frogs, depending in part on if they choose to go into metamorophosis before or after winter. Some will wait, some will not.

The Green Frog is not the first of the frogs to lay eggs in late winter or early spring. That would be the Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus). The little one with the black bandit’s mask. The frog that announces his desire to mate with his all day long, all night long, clack, clack, clack sound which I totally enjoy hearing.

Stay tuned and I’ll let you know when I hear them. There is no confusing them with any other frogs!


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10 responses to “Two Or Three More Months”

  1. Thanks for the picture. It’s like saying “how many frogs do you see in this picture?” I hope you’re doing better very soon. Good luck in your recovery. As usual, I so enjoy your posts.

    • Hi Diane! I agree about the picture of the frogs. I’ve looked at it & thought I knew how many there are there, but had to go back and count again! I’m looking forward to feeling much better soon. I’ve gotta get out and get more pictures!

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts!

  2. Brenda, all the best in your recovery from knee surgery. Pam and I look forward to the resumption of your getting around and posting your wonderful pictures and comments again. Tom

    • Thanks so much Tom and Pam! This is my second knee replacement and I know it will just take time. Bill’s been great, doing nearly everything for me.

      So very glad that you’re reading my posts!

  3. Hope your knee will heal soon. Replacement? I had my hip replaced last June, doing great now. Take care.

    • Hi Barry! Yes indeed knee replacement. My second one. So glad I don’t have eight, like spiders do. I’m well taken care of here and looking forward to great improvement soon.

      Thanks for your encouragement!

  4. Wishing you an efficient and full recovery from your knee surgery Brenda. By the time you are up to full strength again it will be spring and all the buds will welcome you back to your woods walks.
