The Sapsuckers Are Back

Elation at the cabin this afternoon as I spotted two Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus varius). One took off before I was able to get a photo of both of them together, working on a Flowering Dogwood tree. They’ve returned to their winter home!

The one that remained in this image is a female. Working to get sap from the tree. Their tongues are designed for lapping up the sap that emerges from the small holes they tap into the tree’s bark. That design of the tongue, edges a bit like brush bristles which aid in that sap lapping.

Welcome back Sapsuckers. Hoping to see you guys often this winter.


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2 responses to “The Sapsuckers Are Back”

  1. I’ve been seeing numerous, busy sapsuckers in the woods recently, while missing yoga. December 17 is the Gordonsville Audubon Christmas bird count. Let me know if you would like to participate.

    • Hi Steve!

      Sapsuckers, one of many, many cool birds! I love the patterns they leave behind, in the bark that they are working on. I miss yoga too, though this time of year is SO BUSY, so I’m also enjoying the extra that has become available to me. Thanks for the word about the Christmas bird count. I’m going to pass this year. Much too much going on!

      I see in your email address “1949”, are you one of us who was born in 1949? Hoping so, it’d be nice to have that year in common with you!

      Thanks bunches for being such a devoted reader of my ramblings!

      Happy December 1st!