The Dewberry Experiment

The Dewberry (Rubus invisus) plant is quite insistent. It wants to be where I don’t want it. Somehow it knows such things. But back in May of this year I decided to give it a chance. Give it a spot to demonstrate what its benefits are. This plant loves rocky soil and enjoys shade, even full shade. Perfect for the conditions here at my place. It is a plant that extends its presence with trailing stems meandering along the surface of the soil. With unpleasant little thorns. Ugh!

These berries are the result of my experiment. A benefit to the birds that frequent the trees here on the side of the mountain. Birds that lift my heart. Now, with the end of my analysis, learning the benefit the birds get from this gift of berries, I think I’ll be more tolerant, more sympathetic and more encouraging in the future. Helping the Dewberry plants to areas where they will be welcome. Guiding them away from gardens that I maintain in my prim and proper way. My gardens that are my canvas to express my artistic style. In my dreams!

4 responses to “The Dewberry Experiment”

  1. What a great experiment! So glad it worked well. Always wonderful to feed the birds for free! ha ha