Snow Early Morning Into The Night

This morning when I woke up, there was about an inch of snow on the ground. It was not snowing then, but it started up again after breakfast and has continued through the day, and is snowing now as I write this at 9 in the evening.

The bird feeder got refilled after breakfast too, since the seeds were hidden by the layer of snow, which the birds really appreciated, coming as I called to them.

One bird that doesn’t come to the feeder but loves the birdbath showed up this morning too, a Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus).

Instead of seeds, the Hermit Thrush much prefers berries such as the berries of Smooth Sumac (Rhus glabra).

I’m quite pleased that the Hermit Thrush is a bird that is here sometimes in the summer too. Though I most often see them in winter. Either winter or summer, I enjoy seeing them at the birdbath.


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One response to “Snow Early Morning Into The Night”

  1. Thank you for that lovely picture of the Hermit Thrush. I actually saw one of these guys last week at the birdbath. The heated water is always appreciated by all the birds around me. Hermit thrushes look like such beautiful and delicate birds. Certainly one of my favorites, although I don’t see them very often.