Pressing My Luck – Bears

Every year it is always the same. I take great pleasure in feeding the birds and would do it all year long except there is the Bear (Ursus americanus) issue. They come out of their winter slumber focused on finding a quick meal. Though not the repast that would totally fill a several hundred pound bear, a chance encounter with a bird feeder would certainly be a great tidbit.

If and when a bear comes upon a bird feeder it will certainly think it is put out for bears. The bear may sit there and dismantle the feeder in a bear-like manner, totally destroying it in the process. OR the bear may venture into the woods with the prize. The snack to be eaten far from where it was found. Again that feeder will be demolished. Bears aren’t gentle.

The first sighting of a bear is my signal. A stop the bird feeding signal. I want my family to be safe and I want the bears’ families to be safe as well. Better that they don’t come by for handouts.

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10 responses to “Pressing My Luck – Bears”

    • Ah, but Barry! They are such curious creatures. A bear would dismantle a thistle feeder just to satisfy its curiosity!

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts.

  1. writing about Grizzlies, Louis n Clark noted “don’t shoot the bears, it makes them mad” . Our fine and gentle Ben Black bear cousins oft consider themselves prey. A left over thought process from the latter Pleistocene or there about when; Dire wolves, n sabre tooth’s and others like cave bears ate them for lunch .

  2. I miss my bears on turkey ridge and top ridge on little ledge mtn. For 17 years I observed them and couldn’t wait for them to tear up the feeder! Yes, then I had to stop feeding, too.
    When the berries came out, I’d take my bowl of cereal out to my favorite bush and pick a few, observing how many the bear ate since day before.

    • Hi Buddy! Yes, I know the feeling. I miss the bears too, when they are not around but I feel they are better off not hanging out with me. I don’t want them to get used to being around humans. I’m actually surprised that you don’t see them where you are. SURELY they show up there?

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts!

  3. I am over here chasing raccoons with a pot and metal spoon which makes them run like heck! I wouldn’t dare with a bear, however! I agree, time to put away the feeders which is difficult but hey, I’m quite certain you have lots of natural feeders nearby like berries and flower seed. Nice looking bear!

    • Aw Kathy. I chase the bears too, by SHOUTING at the top of my lungs. So long as it seems to be ready to run away rather than running TOWARD me!! Oh I miss the birds so much when the feeders aren’t out!

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts!

  4. I admire your respect for Bears and Humans. And, the bear that happens upon a bird feeder will always remember it’s been there!

    • Hi Anita,

      Bears are such precious creatures and I want to keep them safe. I do most everything I can to keep them for sure, safe, by not putting anything out that will tempt them BUT birds are my weakness! The bears surely will remember about my feeders if they come upon them but given a couple weeks of no bird feeders I’m hoping they will have created a different round of places to check for food. Mostly works!

      Thanks for reading my posts!