Obedient Plant

Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana). A lovely native to have in the garden. It’s native to North American in all states east of the Rockies but Florida, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.

Obedient Plant can be found in the wild on river banks, wet ditches, prairies, swamps, and marshy areas. In moist sites it sometimes spreads aggressively. Sometimes that is a good thing.

Pollinators seek the blooms out for its nectar.

A joy to find blooming this time of year.

2 responses to “Obedient Plant”

  1. Hi Brenda. I had this plant in CT, both in white and this pale pinky-purple color. It was a conversation piece for those who did not know the flowers could be moved around the stem. Great photos!


    • Hi Nancy, always so good to hear from you.

      Such talented little flowers, don’t you think, that they can stay in the position one puts (twists) them in!

      Hoping you are well. I haven’t seen you in SO LONG.

      Thanks so much for reading my posts.