Creepy Looking But Good Insect

The largest of the true bugs in the family of Assassin and Ambush Bugs (Reduviidae). Generally about an inch long, sometimes reaching 1.5 inches. These are North American Wheel Bugs (Arilus cristatus). They’re found in eastern Canada, the United States, south into Mexico and Guatemala.

Good because they prey on garden pests, caterpillars and beetles. Among those are, Tent Caterpillars, Japanese Beetles, Mexican Bean Beetles, and Cabbage Worms. This Wheel Bug is a good guy.

And that creepy look? You should take that as a warning. Though it is said to be gentle, a bite will be brought on by rough treatment, or provocation. Its bite is extremely painful, though it doesn’t have venom. Don’t pick it up!


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2 responses to “Creepy Looking But Good Insect”

  1. Some assassin bugs, most notably the wheel bug, will bite if picked up and handled carelessly. The bite of the wheel bug is immediately and intensely painful. Persons who are bitten should wash and apply antiseptic to the site of the bite. Oral analgesics, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, may be useful to reduce the pain.

    • Hi Alfred!

      Yes, the North American Wheel Bug does indeed have an extremely nasty and painful bite! There are very few insects or spiders that I will pick up, and this is certainly not one of them. But on the other hand they are good to have around, so I’ll just leave them be.

      Thanks bunches for reading my posts!