Category: Virginia Pine

  • Mercury Glass Ornament

    Ten years ago, on December 9th, there was a remarkable ice storm here that entertained me for hours as I roamed with my camera. These images are just a very small look at the many pictures that I captured as I was wandering on Cloud Nine. This first picture is a native shrub. Beautiful, particularly…

  • A Drop of Rain

    A Drop of Rain

    A glimpse of the whole world in a drop of rain. Rain on the needles of Virginia Pine (Pinus virginiana). Three days of rain. One would think I’d be ready for it to stop. For the sun to come out and wipe the moisture away with a gentle brush. No I won’t wish the rain…

  • Hoarfrost


    The cold temperatures of winter can create such works of wonder. Often so delicate they can’t be touched for fear of destruction. Occasionally the beauty makes me forget that what I am looking at, such as these rose hips of Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora), is something that I work diligently to rid my woods of.…

  • Tufted Titmouse Ballet

    Tufted Titmouse Ballet

    I wasn’t expecting to be so entertained. I’m sure the Tufted Titmouse didn’t have any ballet training. But it danced a dance that had me transfixed. The only thing missing, an orchestra playing a entrancing classical piece. The incentive? A simple mixture of three ingredients. Smooth peanut butter. Chunky would not have worked. Smooth Jif…