Carolina Wren

A whole season without putting out sunflowers seeds, peanuts, peanut butter, suet. I survive since the hummingbirds keep me entertained. Fifteen or twenty of the swarming, going round and round the cabin, slurping up their syrup. Now they’re gone. Time for the other birds to keep me company again. Carolina Wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus.

2 responses to “Carolina Wren”

  1. We have one of these characters in and around our little cabana here in Florida. Love to hear him sing every morning! Before moving here, I didn’t have many sightings of this guy at all … very few and far in between up in North Country. They are so fun!

  2. Hi Kathy!

    So marvelous that you have your “north” and “south” paradise homes. For many years I had a house in the city near Washington, DC and another here in the mountains. A bit different than your situation – I had the same sort of trees etc, but oh! The work to keep it all going! But I must admit I sure enjoyed every little bit of it.

    Now I’m totally a country girl, but when I go back to our old neighborhood to visit my son and his family, that city life sure calls to me.

    YOU on the other hand have such a different natural environment to love and enjoy. SO WONDERFUL! I enjoy reading of your adventures!
