Woodpecker Colors

My first thought when I think of the color of woodpeckers is black, white, and red. Though that is not always the case. This woodpecker, the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius), is a good example. Look at it and, “Well, almost,” comes to mind. The breast of the bird, in a herringbone pattern, black and pale tannish-gray. Other places where one might expect to see white, a soft butter-yellow has been inserted instead.

This woodpecker is only in my woods during the nonbreeding/winter season. I enjoy having them around because of their habit of creating sapwells on some of the trees. Certainly not for the purpose of decoration, though I like to think of the sapwells that way. Small holes tapped into the bark of trees, leaving beautiful patterns. A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker’s calling card.


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