Tag: Winged Sumac

  • A Look Of Things To Come

    Winged Sumac (Rhus copallina), putting on a display appropriate for the end of summer. Many shades of green, including chartreuse, yellows melting into orange, orange becoming red. Luscious autumnal colors. Happening now. Not the entire expanse of leaves but just here and there. Oh, season change! I LOVE IT! _______________________________________________________________________ If you would like to…

  • A Bit Of Rain In The Forecast

    A bit of rain in the forecast. An opportunity for me and my camera to get out. Take advantage of the change of light, as colors seem to intensify, brighten. This photo, in the rain with that change of lighting, Winged Sumac (Rhus capallina). So much to see. So much to capture in pixels.

  • Color

    So important to me – COLOR. And autumn really brings it to me. Now, in early autumn, a small tree, Winged Sumac (Rhus copallinum), is bringing joy to my heart with its color. In spring, a tree with blooms that attract so many pollinators that the tree itself seems to buzz with activity. But in…