Tag: Virginia Creeper

  • Five Red Leaves

    Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) a vine in the grape family (Vitaceae). Native to eastern and central North America. A plant that knows its own mind. One that will wander into areas where you might not want it to grow. Keep an eye on it if you have it in your garden. And beware some (but not…

  • Autumn In The Woods

    Autumn In The Woods

    Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). Leaves turning a brilliant red. Responding to cooler temperatures, shorter days, leaves stop making chlorophyll. Decreasing chlorophyll diminishes the green, which reveals the reds, oranges and yellows that are left in autumn leaves.

  • Meteorological Autumn

    Meteorological Autumn

    It started just over a week ago, and some leaves are playing their part perfectly. Meteorological autumn has begun. Temperatures are cooling. Days, little by little, are getting shorter. Trees of the forest pick up on these signals. They know it’s time to get ready for the cold that will descend upon them. Prepare for…

  • Independent Leaflets

    Independent Leaflets

    As days get shorter some leaves take that as a signal and stop making chlorophyl. That chlorophyll is what gives the leaves their green color, and what is left in those leaves will break down. The green fades and disappears. Yellow, orange, and red colors left in the leaves and now uncovered, become visible. This…

  • And Now Autumn

    And Now Autumn

    Gone are the days of carefree summer. Oh but the things to come. Color. The color of Virginia Creeper with it’s crimson leaves. Brilliant color. All the leaves that had been cool greens now becoming warm colors. Rich colors become ubiquitous. Red Maples turning red or orange or yellow. Another Red Maple. This one scarlet…

  • Autumn


    Creeping slowly. Beautiful warm colors. Trees preparing their shut down for winter. In just a few days it will become official. That calendar on the fridge will tell us so. Autumn will be here. As a tiny hint of what’s to come, this Virginia Creeper’s (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) compound leaf with each of its five leaflets…