Tag: Gray Dogwood

  • White Berries

    Gray Dogwood (Cornus racemosa). White berries, not red, as we would normally expect on another member of the same genus (Cornus), a Flowering Dogwood tree. Those white berries, sitting on bright crimson pedicles, that to me look like miniature trees. Those pedicles lasting through the winter. Gray Dogwoods send out suckers from their rhizomes, creating…

  • Dogwood Blooming In June

    There are somewhere between 30 to 60 species of Dogwood in the family Cornaceae. This one, Gray Dogwood (Cornus racemosa), is quite different in many ways from the Dogwood that I’m most familiar with, Flowering Dogwood, Cornus florida. But first, the leaves look very similar, and they are both opposite. Gray Dogwood is in full bloom, as…