Tag: Daffodils

  • Spring On Its Way

    Daffodil (Narcissus) leaves emerging today. Pushing their leaves up through leaf litter. Leaf litter in which there could be many butterflies, moths and other insects waiting for winter to shake off its snow and let spring go on with her warmer weather. Just a few weeks is all that is needed. A few weeks, sunshine…

  • Memories

    Photographs often contain precious memories. Even photographs that were taken just a few minutes ago. That’s the case with this image. My Mom loves gardens and while she was very active, she had beautiful gardens filled with lovely flowers blooming or just waiting to come into bloom. These Daffodils, just out my kitchen window make…

  • Time Will Fly

    As I look through my photographs from last winter, January 2022, along with my notes of the weather, I am surprised at how quickly spring descended upon me and the gardens around my cabin. I first notice that snow was plentiful in the first weeks of January. Nine inches on January 3rd, three inches on…