Tag: American Robin

  • Berries For Winter

    Eastern Red Cedar berries (Juniperus virginiana). Though you can’t see them in this image there are many other Robins (Turdus migratorius) and Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) enjoying the treats that this tree provides for them. In a few minutes they’ll be swarming to the bird bath, gathering around for a refreshing drink of water. No…

  • Robins Roaming Together For Winter Food

    During the winter the American Robin (Turdus migratorius), here in Virginia changes its diet, eliminating invertebrates and switching to fruits and berries. Roaming, flocking, together with many other Robins, sometimes Cedar Waxwings joining in, looking for winter fruits, such as Holly berries, Juniper berries, Crabapples, Hawthorn berries. Emptying one location after another of those fruits.…

  • One Of Many

    The American Robin (Turdus migratorius). Wikipedia calls this a migratory bird. But that is certainly not the case with many of them. This morning 15 or 20 of them showed up at my little pond and bird bath as they often do year round. Quite the gathering. During the autumn and winter they roam in…