
A Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus) is a species of bird that I see just sometimes. Yes, winter, but not every winter. Just sometimes.

It’s a bird that from one winter to another is totally unpredictable whether it will migrate into one area or another. This is called an irruptive species. They will pay attention to the condition of cone crops in their area in the autumn. If they feel those crops are insufficient they will migrate to another area. Sometimes this happens every other year but the timing and areas where they will end up can’t be counted on.

I haven’t seen any Pine Siskin yet this winter. I’ve had some come to my feeders and birdbaths in 2015 and 2019. I’m still hoping to see some before this winter comes to an end. My camera and I will be all set to get pictures if some come by though. I’m hoping!


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