One Of Many

A favorite bird. Technically one of many favorite birds. There are too many to narrow it down to one favorite! This is a Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus). Four days ago. It was in my yard getting ready to splash around in the bird bath. The Hermit Thrush is a bird that I only see during the winter months.

Every few days one will show up for a dip in the bird bath. Their diet while they are here is fruits and berries which are found here in the woods. They seem to have no interest in the feeder, though I’ve been putting out raisins.

This very same day, four days ago, but several years before, with several inches of snow on the ground I was fortunate to capture 6 Hermit Thrushes in the bird bath, doing what they need to do, taking care of their feathers, cleaning them.

Birds with a beautiful mesmerizing song. Such a special treat, to have them visit each winter!


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