Category: Winter Aconite

  • Midwinter Blooms

    Midwinter Blooms

    Many months of new discoveries. Training to become a master naturalist. February 2010. Blandy Aboretum of Virginia. Midwinter, and my first introduction to Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis). Then a precious friend shared some of her Winter Aconite with me. All these years later they still emerge, sometimes through the snow, in early February. Like rays…

  • Winter Aconite

    Winter Aconite

    The same day that I first heard the raucous clacking of wood frogs coming from the pond, my Winter Aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) were beginning to bloom. Just hours before meteorological spring was about to begin. These small screaming yellow beauties were a gift from a dear friend years ago. Since then they have won my…