Category: Water Warmer

  • A Winter Essential

    A Winter Essential

    It’s wonderful to feed the birds. They become friends, these little feathered visitors. But there’s something more they need – water, not frozen water, but water in liquid form. So many birds gather ’round my birdbath. I know they appreciate it. I’ve recently had questions about what water warmer I use. I wouldn’t recommend one…

  • Robins in the Snow

    Robins in the Snow

    On Monday, January 3, 2022, nine inches of gorgeous, wet, stick to the trees snow, dumped upon my cabin making a fairyland of the woods around me. And as if to laugh at those who say robins are a sign of spring, today, just a short thirteen days since the start of winter, a large…

  • Birdbaths in Winter

    Birdbaths in Winter

    During the winter my birdbaths really draw the birds. Bring in birds that aren’t interested in the seeds and suet that I put out at the feeders. Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) and Robins (Turdus migratorius) don’t eat at the feeders but they sure take pleasure in the water. Another on my list of those that…

  • Song Sparrow

    Song Sparrow

    Some might think this an LBJ. A little brown job. But certainly deserving of more distinction than that. This, a Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) and a master of camouflage. A bird that is known for its rich collection of songs. Quite the crooners, males use their songs to identify their territory and to attract females.…

  • Yellow-rumped Warblers

    Yellow-rumped Warblers

    An occasional visitor to my bird bath, in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. A Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata). Fondly called Butterbutts by birders. If you don’t have a bird bath, I sure recommend one equipped with a water warmer to keep the water from freezing during the coldest that winter can throw at you. These warblers…