Category: Spider Web

  • Rain Drops

    Rain Drops

    Spider web, treasured rain drops, Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea pungens).

  • Snowflakes 2017

    Snowflakes 2017

    In the morning hours of December 9, 2017 moist air and snowflakes wafted past a spider web. The moisture in the air and the feathery ice crystals clung to the web and captured my fascination.

  • Marbled Orb Weaver

    Marbled Orb Weaver

    They seem to arrive every year at this time. Just when I’m thinking about the grand holiday. Halloween. It’s as if they know I want my porches decorated for the big day. Dressed in an appropriate outfit for the season. Bright yellow and black coveralls complimented with long striped stockings of orange, black and white.…

  • Yellow Garden Spider

    Yellow Garden Spider

    Eye catching in its size and coloring, eye catching in its web design. Yellow Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia). A pretty large spider. The body of the female, the larger of the sexes, is about an inch in length, up to three times the size of males. Add those long legs and that is indeed a…

  • Hoarfrost


    The cold temperatures of winter can create such works of wonder. Often so delicate they can’t be touched for fear of destruction. Occasionally the beauty makes me forget that what I am looking at, such as these rose hips of Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora), is something that I work diligently to rid my woods of.…