Category: Redbud

  • Cauliflorous

    Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida) and with needles growing from its trunk, being photobombed by a Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus). Redbud (Cercis canadensis) with flower buds emerging from its trunk. Who would have thought Redbud and Pitch Pine have something in common. These are cauliflorous trees. They have flowers that emerge from their main trunk or…

  • Zebra Swallowtail

    Zebra Swallowtail

    The larval host of Zebra Swallowtail (Protographium marcellus) is any of the eight species of the genus PawPaw (Asimina). I’m in the process of replacing three PawPaw trees that I recently lost. An important quest for me. Exquisite Zebra Swallowtails depend entirely on PawPaw trees for their very existence. No PawPaw trees, no Zebra Swallowtails.…

  • Flowering Dogwood

    Flowering Dogwood

    The Flowering Dogwood trees (Cornus florida) here in my neck of the woods are just beginning to open as the Eastern Redbud blooms (Cercis canadensis) are on their way into decline. That’s the pattern every year. A slight overlapping of their big show. Like homemade vanilla ice cream with home grown strawberries on top. In…

  • Tomorrow is SPRING!

    Tomorrow is SPRING!

    Many of you know that I love winter, my totally, over the top, favorite season. But I also delight in the seasons changing. If the seasons stayed the same, day after day after day after day I wouldn’t be content. I think the world of CHANGE. Sometimes even Mother Nature just doesn’t want to let…