Category: Red Maple

  • And Now Autumn

    And Now Autumn

    Gone are the days of carefree summer. Oh but the things to come. Color. The color of Virginia Creeper with it’s crimson leaves. Brilliant color. All the leaves that had been cool greens now becoming warm colors. Rich colors become ubiquitous. Red Maples turning red or orange or yellow. Another Red Maple. This one scarlet…

  • Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth

    Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth

    Yesterday a dear friend let me know that we’re in the middle of National Moth Week (July 17-25, 2021). I had no idea such a thing existed! But now, with that in mind, I present the Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth (Speranza pustularia). Like many moths, this one is nocturnal and is attracted to porch lights.…