Category: Orchid

  • Yellow Lady Slipper

    Yellow Lady Slipper

    Is there anything else so beautiful? Yellow Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum). A trek in Shenandoah National Park is pure joy no matter what, but add a sighting of this native orchid and I’m more than elated. But it’s not just in Virginia. This species of Yellow Lady’s slipper can be found in much of North…

  • Putty Root Orchid

    Putty Root Orchid

    An orchid that is native to eastern and central U.S., and Canada. Putty Root (Aplectrum hyemale). The world of Mother Nature is always filled with surprises. This plant provides one of those surprises. Its growth timing seems backward. In autumn the plant sends up ONE basal leaf to collect dappled sunlight during the fall, winter…