Category: Mourning Dove

  • Fluffed Against the Cold

    Fluffed Against the Cold

    Extra feathers and fluffing work quite well against the cold of winter. Here a Mourning Dove (Zenáida macroúra) and a Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) compare notes on keeping warm during the crispness of January.

  • Yellow-billed Cuckoo

    Yellow-billed Cuckoo

    Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus). A bird that I seldom see. In part perhaps because they will sit in dense shrubbery sitting perfectly still, like a frog that is trying to convince you that, “You can’t see me.” They do this as they are watching and waiting for a meal to come by. Few birds will…

  • Mourning Dove

    Mourning Dove

    Visitors to my feeders every now and then. Always arriving in pairs. The Mourning Dove (Zenáida macroúra). For a while my granddaughter’s favorite bird, I think in part because of the soft coo-oo that the male makes. Good for her that she knows a bird call at the age of 6. I doubt I knew…