Category: larvae

  • Lightning Bug?

    Lightning Bug?

    A little beetle crawling along a branch.  He looks like something I would have caught and put into a jar when I was little – a Lightning Bug.  But here he is roaming around, not on a hot, humid summer evening, but in WINTER.  This doesn’t make sense.  So much of Mother Nature’s world is…

  • GOOD Mosquito?

    GOOD Mosquito?

    Legs covered in blue and purple sparkles with a gilded body, much larger than mosquitoes that we usually notice, the Elephant Mosquito, Toxorhynchites rutilus, is one mosquito that we should encourage. The largest mosquito in North America, from tip to tip (of its legs) this mosquito measures one inch, and the adult female has a wing span of…

  • Silvery Checkerspots

    Silvery Checkerspots

    About a week ago I noticed a favorite patch of Woodland Sunflower, Helianthus divaricatus, being quickly gobbled up by gregarious, tiny caterpillars. I took pictures of the less than one half inch critters, and started pouring over my many books on butterflies, moths, and caterpillars. I always love a mystery – caterpillars eating beloved plants…

  • Red Admiral

    Red Admiral

    A beauty, though small, stirs my curiosity as he flutters by, giving me very little time to capture his image with my camera. A Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta. A butterfly that you just might see if you put overripe fruit out on your back porch, since this is a favorite food. Also at the top of the culinary…