Category: Invasive Species

  • Hoarfrost


    The cold temperatures of winter can create such works of wonder. Often so delicate they can’t be touched for fear of destruction. Occasionally the beauty makes me forget that what I am looking at, such as these rose hips of Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora), is something that I work diligently to rid my woods of.…

  • Jeffersonia or Twinleaf

    Jeffersonia or Twinleaf

    Jeffersonia (Jeffersonia diphylla). In 1792 the botanist Benjamin Smith Barton named this plant after Thomas Jefferson. In 1807 Jefferson had Jeffersonia growing in one of the oval flower beds of Monticello. I’m proud to have something in common with my neighbor Thomas. Within a matter of four weeks I’ll be searching for these little signs…