Category: Hummingbird Clearwing Moth

  • Apple Blossom Time

    Apple Blossom Time

    Apple trees at the moment are a huge puff of snow white and soft pink. A delight for pollinators gathering to make the trees buzz with excitement. This pollinator, above, is a Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus). Two Spicebush Swallowtails (Papilio troilus). A Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus). A Nessus Sphinx Moth (Amphion floridensis). And looking quite…

  • Hummingbird Moths

    Hummingbird Moths

    There are four species of Hummingbird Moth in North America, members of the sphinx moth family (Sphingidae). Sometimes they get mistaken for baby hummingbirds. But they are moths that collect nectar during the day. One of the species, in the photograph above, is the Hummingbird Clearwing Moth. This moth has a golden back, a chestnut-brown abdomen,…