Category: Hemiparasite

  • Downy False Foxglove

    Downy False Foxglove (Aureolaria virginica), flowers during the summer months, June through August. Downy False Foxglove is a perennial hemiparasite. Hemiparasite means that it depends upon its host for some of its nutrients. In this case, Downy False Foxglove depends upon Oak trees (Quercus), mainly White Oaks (Quercus alba), getting these nutrients through their roots.…

  • Smooth False Foxglove

    Smooth False Foxglove

    To some degree Smooth False Foxglove (Aureolaria laevigata) is a parasite, depending a bit on its host plant, the mighty Oak Tree. It can be referred to as a partial plant parasite, a semiparasite, or a hemiparasite. This means, it is not entirely dependent upon the roots of an Oak Tree for all its sustenance.…

  • Wood Betony

    Wood Betony

    This native perennial is found in southeastern Canada, eastern North America (as well as New Mexico and Colorado) and eastern Mexico. Wood Betony (Pedicularis canadensis). The first time I ever saw this plant was along a trail here in the Blue Ridge. As is often the case, I took a picture of the flower, went…