Category: Grass

  • Common Blue-eyed Grass

    Common Blue-eyed Grass

    A clump of grass in early spring becomes green streaks, highlighted with six pointed dots of cheery blue. Common Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium) is native to the eastern two thirds of the United States and Canada.  Though “grass” is in the common name, it is not a grass at all but is in the iris…

  • Yellow-rumped Warblers

    Yellow-rumped Warblers

    An occasional visitor to my bird bath, in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. A Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata). Fondly called Butterbutts by birders. If you don’t have a bird bath, I sure recommend one equipped with a water warmer to keep the water from freezing during the coldest that winter can throw at you. These warblers…

  • Mother Nature’s Art

    Mother Nature’s Art

    When there is a weather forecast that includes freezing rain or snow or simply freezing temperatures, I’m all set, so is my camera. A vernal pool is a wonderful canvas for great artwork. Freezing temperatures and moisture, a magical mix. Mother Nature has created an ear worm! I’m hearing, “earth below us drifting falling” and…