Category: Camouflage

  • Walkingstick

    This afternoon the hummingbird feeders needed to be refilled, so I took a break to wash them out and put new syrup in them. Much to my surprise, I spotted the smallest walkingstick I’ve ever seen, on one of the ant guards. This is a Northern Walkingstick (Diapheromera femorata). Two pictures for you, one for…

  • Yellow-lined Owlet

    Yellow-lined Owlet

    The Yellow-lined Owlet moth (Colobochyla interpuncta) does an incredible job of using camouflage to become nearly invisible. Here’s another look. Same photo, just closer. Ah, there it is. See those two little legs sticking out? The larvae of Yellow-lined Owlets feed on the leaves of persimmon trees and willows. Their adults are active during the…

  • Katydids


    An August night. Open windows. Insects making lovely sounds in the inky darkness. A precious friend of mine told me that when her children were young they believed the night sounds of summer were the stars singing. Those sounds in the night in reality are Katydids (Tettigoniidae). Cool green insects. In North America there are…

  • Northern Walkingstick

    Northern Walkingstick

    It wasn’t too long ago that I became aware there was an insect called a “walkingstick.” A creature that I would have marveled at as a child. During my growing up years I spent loads of time in the woods, but never did I see such a thing. I’m delighted now that I know about…

  • Curve-toothed Geometer

    Curve-toothed Geometer

    Another nod to moths in celebrating National Moth Week (July 17-25, 2021). This moth photo was in my immense file of moth images, unidentified. Many of you might know, I love a mystery and last night I looked upon this critter as one of those mysteries. Luck was with me and I was able to…

  • Giant Swallowtail

    Giant Swallowtail

    Having a wingspan up to seven inches, this butterfly certainly earns the name Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes). It also holds the title of largest butterfly in North America. The larval host plants of Giant Swallowtails consist of many trees in the citrus family including, here in Virginia, the Common Hop Tree (Ptelea trifoliata). These caterpillars…

  • Song Sparrow

    Song Sparrow

    Some might think this an LBJ. A little brown job. But certainly deserving of more distinction than that. This, a Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) and a master of camouflage. A bird that is known for its rich collection of songs. Quite the crooners, males use their songs to identify their territory and to attract females.…