Category: Brood

  • Carolina Wrens – 2nd Brood

    Carolina Wrens – 2nd Brood

    This is the second brood for this pair of Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus). As is normally the case, they’ve gone to a second location, abandoning their previous successful spot, which was in the antique graniteware coffee pot hanging from the porch ceiling. Now they’re on the back porch in a basket that is also hanging…

  • Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

    Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

    My first sighting this season was yesterday. The state insect of Virginia, the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio glaucus). Native to eastern North America. The butterfly I saw yesterday had just emerged from its chrysalis. Brand new. In the autumn an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail caterpillar will form itself into a chrysalis. NOT a cocoon but…