Category: Apple Blossoms

  • First Tiger Swallowtail

    First Tiger Swallowtail

    I saw it fluttering about today, this afternoon. Checking out the blossoms. Wondering if they were open, but no, not quite. A few more days and the nectar will be there for the taking. It’s the first Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) of the year. Image from 2016

  • Apple Blossoms

    Apple Blossoms

    Apple blossoms. What a fragrant delight. And they bring in a host of visitors that provide great entertainment just to sit and watch. It’s been really breezy today. Petals have been flying like snow. Apple blossom season won’t last much longer. Tiger Swallowtails (Papilio glaucus) are one of the many species of butterflies that make…