Category: American Redstart

  • Female American Redstart

    Female American Redstart

    She’s a faithful daily visitor. A female American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). Many times a day I’ll see her either patrolling the garden in her search for insects or more often splashing around in one of the birdbaths. I can’t stress strongly enough, the birdbaths I have in my garden areas are used often. Right now,…

  • American Redstart

    American Redstart

    Hallelujah! More of my summer birds have arrived! A few days ago I mentioned that both male and female Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have presented themselves. Now, this morning I spotted my first American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). A male, looking quite handsome in his striking black and orange feathers. The female of this species is also quite…