Beautiful Song

One showed up this morning. The first day of 2024. I always anticipate something special showing up on important days. This was that special something, a Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus). Not arriving for the seeds at the feeder, they’re not interested in that, but arriving to get a splash in the birdbath.

And oh the beautiful music they make. Mnemonics, basically means us humans putting words to the songs of birds to assist our memory. To help tell one bird song from another. In this case the Hermit Thrush is reportedly saying, “veer-veer-veer-veer; Why don’tcha come to me?; Here I am right near you”. A lot to remember but if you can get it into your brain, it’s going to help. A lovely and enchanting song.

Glad I was paying attention this morning to see its visit. Otherwise the day would have gone by with nothing special to note.


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