Month: April 2014

  • Seeds Planted by Ants

    Seeds Planted by Ants

    What an amusing thought. Seeds that ants will harvest and then plant. It actually does happen. There are some seeds in our world of Nature that have fleshy parts, called elaiosomes. These elaiosomes are lipid-rich and are very attractive to ants. The ants harvest the seeds, take them to their underground homes and feed the elaiosomes…

  • Thistle Seed? No!

    What are these seeds, that I’ve been calling thistle seed, since I was a child? These seeds that Goldfinches, Chickadees, Tufted Titmice and White-throated Sparrows seem to go bonkers over? What a surprise I had, when I looked up thistle seed on the internet. Seems thistle seed is not thistle seed at all, but the…